It's tough to judge, for some reason I have almost no grunt below 3,000rpm, can't even chirp the damn tires... Some have said it's my cam that's at fault, I'm not sure. I ran 0-60 about a half second faster with it than with the Chrysler ignition and I didn't feel any extra power in the top end so I'm assuming it improved my low end, just not enough to be noticeable. It's worth noting that I couldn't time the car by the crank pulley and index because I don't have a timing belt cover so I timed it by ear and my car doesn't ping one bit, even with the distributor close to full advance. I'm thinking of timing it by the index on my adjustable cam gear (old style IPD gear with a mark every two degrees) but it seems to me that if I follow the general consensus of 15 degrees btdc I'm going to wind up retarding the timing from what I have it set at now!