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760T man
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  • Next time I change my ignition system it will be a when I get a megasquirt system set up. I'm going full standalone, I like the element of control.
    I seriously doubt it's the EZK. Plenty of people on this board run the ezk ignition system with no problems. Doesn't whats-his-name with the 578hp 740 run an EZK? Someone turned me on to the possibility that my FPR is bad and my car is running too rich until I reach boost. that would also explain my extremely rich idle (.7v+ from the O2 sensor). That combined with the characteristics of the VX3 cam and my failmatic transmission could make for a perfect storm of poor performance. I'll have to check and see. Once I fix whatever is wrong I will tell you how my EZK is working out for sure. I am running junkyard whitebody injectors, they are working fine for me, I'm too cheap for refurbished/flowmatched/new injectors. Heeb speed baby!
    I'm running a VX3 currently advanced 4 degrees. I can advance my distributor all the way and still not have any low end. Judging by the embarrassing 16 second runs on the drag strip last night something is wrong. I turned the boost down to stock this morning, I'm not turning it back up until I figure out what the hell is up with this thing.
    It's tough to judge, for some reason I have almost no grunt below 3,000rpm, can't even chirp the damn tires... Some have said it's my cam that's at fault, I'm not sure. I ran 0-60 about a half second faster with it than with the Chrysler ignition and I didn't feel any extra power in the top end so I'm assuming it improved my low end, just not enough to be noticeable. It's worth noting that I couldn't time the car by the crank pulley and index because I don't have a timing belt cover so I timed it by ear and my car doesn't ping one bit, even with the distributor close to full advance. I'm thinking of timing it by the index on my adjustable cam gear (old style IPD gear with a mark every two degrees) but it seems to me that if I follow the general consensus of 15 degrees btdc I'm going to wind up retarding the timing from what I have it set at now!
    Hey 240T man,
    Saw the Florence AL and did not know anybody in my neck of the woods. I'm In Muscle Shoals, Al. Contact me at Impalaman6@comcast.net.
    I didn't do too much there. Theres some shopping and stuff out Plank Town road.
    My favorite thing to do was Ritchey's Dairy. They make Ice Cream and Chocolate milk from the Milk that the Amish neighbors produce. It kicks Wisconsin's ass.
    http://www.ritcheysdairy.com/ visit them. It's a must.
    I originally went to WyoTech in Blairsville, PA. I spend not quite a month living in Coal Run at some rental house that was below my standard and fixed a few things for the landlords just to be tolerable for me. I ended up moving outta there and into the Attic of the house that my then at the time Girlfriend's mom owned. (She's now my wife). I commutted every day to and from Altoona to Blairsville. All together, just shy of 11 months.

    I met my girlfriend through my cousin, who lived in Altoona. My mom actually grew up there and I have a bunch of family in Altoona and the Tyrone area. The Weavers.

    PA as a whole was depressing to me. In the winter, they use cinders, so everything gets a duldrum dark gray. Pretty depressing. It also seemed to rain a lot in the fall and spring that year. Also depressing.

    I was in PA from late July 04 till Early July 05.

    You near or related to Altoona?
    nah, I think I'm through with such shenanigans. guess I'll have to call you to hear your sweet loving voice in my ears....
    Hey Man!!! I'd really like to buy that 12b off you... Can you PM me your Paypal??
    hello i need to helpe my in i want to know what is number for airmass volvo 960 b230ft and thank you
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