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  • damn son foreal! thats awesome dude I would come over but I got work at 12 so Cant do much. I can come over next week for sure, I still got the 3" over hte axle its pretty beat up though
    its chill dude
    yeah he is still doin the dyno, but he isnt sure if it will be 50 or not, if its more than that im not dynoing either cause im broke right now
    you need to go tho man foreal
    whaa? what you need $ for? the dyno?
    I can give you 20 for gas if you need it man no worries
    my buddy is comin with me he is drivin his cobra down there
    yo, for the meet comin up are we just goin to meet at that exit we were supposed to meet at last time? mercury blvd?
    I talked to my buddy about you wanting to buy the 780. He is boosted12a on the forum. He is out of town right now but he is intrested in selling to you the car. so give him a holler. Like i 't know said he is out of town I think until the 20th so I don't know if he will be on until then. If you want you can pm your number and i will give him a call and give it to him if you like

    - Jay
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