Hi Baggy!
I don't know if you still exist here (long time since your posts about M90 and dualmass - single mass flywheel mod).
I'm trying to follow your instructions on this on my Volvo 945 B200FT with M90.
My question is there anything else required for this mod? I'm thinking if there is a shaft pilot required (or optional). Sth like this: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.245641595598336.1073741874.110263192469511&type=3
if not required I'm almost ready for starting my work on this ;)
I don't know if you still exist here (long time since your posts about M90 and dualmass - single mass flywheel mod).
I'm trying to follow your instructions on this on my Volvo 945 B200FT with M90.
My question is there anything else required for this mod? I'm thinking if there is a shaft pilot required (or optional). Sth like this: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.245641595598336.1073741874.110263192469511&type=3
if not required I'm almost ready for starting my work on this ;)