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  • Hey man just bought a 1988 Volvo Wagon DL 5 speed has 259,000 when odo stopped who knows when and came with 100,000 mile and 200,000 mile high mileage club badges which I heard were rare, anyway. I saw one of your posts talking about how you did your lift on your wagon and wanted to contact you for more info. Can you send me any pictures and info you have to my email njvbuckeyes@hotmail.com I would appreciate it. I decided to go the lift route instead of dropping it because I like to do a lot of camping and having the extra clearance would help.

    can you help a brother out? the mazda broke down and i'm on the ship. i'm pretty sure the idler puller froze and broke the serptine belt. i wont be home until the end of feb and the car needs to be fixed ASAP. let me know if you can help.
    Hi, I am friends with socalsean and I am coming down to Monterey for the holidays. We both want to come and pull the engine but the soonest we could do it would be on Tuesday the 28th. We are both serious about getting this engine so is there anyway you could hold onto the car till then? Thank you so much for your time and hope to here back from you before the car is gone.
    If ur pedal drops while at a stop light that is indicative of a bad master cylinder. Or a leak in the hydraulic system.
    hey how do u kno ur master cyclinder is out thx... i seem to lose brake power if hold more than 3 sec.... the pedal goes to the floor and steady start goin in motion.. thx
    Well he wants $400 at the least for the whole thing. I can only pay about $100 or so for the engine. We can figure something out. Maybe line up the parting out, and make a fun weekend out of it. ? I can spend more if I get people who want need things off this car.
    though i guess if we just pull the engine and tranny we don't have to worry about getting rid of the shell, so there is that
    $200 for the one I am in. Do you want to swap sways? I am workin till 2. 23mm goodness for you 21mm wackness for me!
    not much, how about yourself?

    finally got registered for jc classes but the only auto one open was 350, hopefully i can get in on the good ones in the spring
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