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  • Hey Dood! Saw your post recently about swapping away from Kjet? I just got my 242 running in 2.4 about an hour ago
    Yeah I plan on going down a little. Maybe like an inch? Inch and a half perhaps. But definitely tired of the stock suspension. Also want some nice sways and cross-drilled rotors and brembo calipers haha. Ugh so many plans.
    Good, good. No more recent run-ins with hijacking junkies? haha. My little brick is doing well. I finally found a wine red lower lip at Pick n Pull and mounted it below the bumper, it looks SWEET. I also did a bunch of basic stuff recently, like changed all the drive belts and oxygen sensor. Oh and more stickers, cool. Basically I'm too broke to do anything exciting, haha. My next project is brakes, then suspension. Slowly but surely..
    Never mind, just saw your thread about it. That is rough dude. I'm really glad you got it back and it's in decent shape
    WTF Stolen?!?! Elaborate. I would lose my **** haha. Ironic also since I just removed that Viper alarm system from my car
    Oh cool. Thanks. Yeah I still need to take the instrument cluster apart...I feel like that's where the clicking noise is coming from. Just gotta tear it apart and check it out. Probably some left over **** from the aftermarket alarm system that was in the car. How's your 242 been treating you?
    She's been in a good mood lately, haha. I finally bought a new (Volvo OE) muffler and tail pipe so I'll be putting that on soon, and have been working on the body in the mean time. I successfully removed the sticker trim below the windows. It was bothering me because it was so torn up and missing in some places. I managed to track down a new set of stickers so I'm pumped for that too. She's been driving well, still some issues with the lock system but otherwise all is well.
    lol all good man no worries, I always forget to check my notifications as well. awesome! it will be cool to chill with a fellow tbricker! especially in san jose. I have alot of plans for my 240 right now, but the ultimate goal is an engine swap, maybe 16v DOHC or the 2.3 n/a 8v motor with built up internals. but right now my car isn't running at the moment..I'm having some fuel delivery issues. but i am working to fix that. I also have to deal with this ANNOYING screech my car makes when the battery charge is below half...I have been wrestling this problem for months now, and its not going anywhere -___-
    no way! Dude that really does suck I'm sorry to hear that. At least the damage was minimal tho!. Oh btw where do you live again? And how much experience do you have with your 240? I love my car, but I admit I am kind of a news and would love to learn about my car and how I can work on it in my own. If your down maybe we could get together and talk Volvo or something, I bring the beer!
    haha i know! as soon as I seen your GT cruise by i was like oh ****! i need to catch up lol. Seeing your GT gave me the motivation i needed to get off my ass and fix up my 242 to be drivable. Now I'm rockin the 242 all over downtown haha!
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