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  • Bought a second 85 white auto wagon. The first one is blue interior, which I like, but a little rough. Runs nicely though. We drove out to Lake Isabella a little over a week ago and bought a second one which will probably be Jason's replacement...if he can PAY for it!!!!! Already did quite a bit to it. Of course we have a donor car, albeit a rolled one, to pull stuff from. Discussed the door and hub cap swap with Chase and sent him pictures of where everything is and where to leave the doors. Cheers! And thanks much. Hmmm, white doors....we may have to do the sedan delivery thing on one of the '85 wagons instead.
    Hey, right on! Are you Alexis? I sent a photo of you and Chase to the email on his card. Did you see it? I hope so! Love your car and your spirit. Let me know when you can. anthonyhardy1@gmail.com ... Best!
    Thanks A.M., we are definitely bummed too. Upside--I think we are going to buy a car tomorrow--yay!! That's our consolation for the weekend. Have a great time!
    Hi A.M., how are you? Very unfortunately, our trip to Davis looks like it's not going to happen once again this year. My wife is still out of town taking care of her mom. We have no one to take care of the animals etc. without boarding them--which I hate to do. Unless something comes up, we are going to have to pass again. I am SO pissed off about that! Oh well. You and Chase doing well? DS
    Yes I am hoping to get back out there in the next day or so. So I may be passing on yours.
    thank you so much for the support! I have become wayyyy to into Bricks and now I am addicted. Not that I am ashamed of it because I am actually proud I know how to fix a car that doesn't run 2 inches from the floor . I might still do the quad round conversion, haha I'm sorry, but since this car will stay in my family for a long time, the resale value doesn't really matter to me. I am trying to get an Early/Late look with the E-Code turn signals and the Quad Rounds. It's gonna be a nice ride!

    When I save enough for my own 2 door 122, then that's when originality comes in and extra hard work also to keep the car in great condition. But the 244 I have is definitely going to be my personal favorite (since it's my first car!)

    Thank you~
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