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  • Hi, Jason,

    Driver's, but doesn't really matter.

    What I have is a 245 with blue interior and minty black cloth seats, and another set of blue seats with dirty/moldy/stained fabric, plus a set of good skins for a pass seat.

    I could recover one of the funky seats and use another whole seat if no skins were available, no problem patching/modding as needed. The blacks, front and rear, would then hit the For Sale section.

    No cell phone, but PM works fine.

    Thanks, Rae
    Hey bud i seen a few of your posts and noticed you live in Vancouver. im struggling to find any aftermarket parts for my 240 and wondered if you have any leads? the wreckers is like gold dust and shipping from the states is costly . Anything helps . Thanks nick
    Hey, I am interested in the Gemini caps you have for sale.
    Is the price per cap or both?
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