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  • Not yet. I lost one of the carrier bearing flange bolts and it took forever to get a new one, which ended up being the newer style bolt with a flange on the head of the bolt and the head is smaller but the shank and length are the same. I haven’t had time to weld it and im not sure if the torque value is the same for the oddball bolt, so I’ve put it off. I need to get back to it soon before I forget how to put it all back together. Lol
    I'm doing a TrueTrac installation in our '92 240 and bought the water jet cut tone ring from Jonas in Sweden and have it installed in the proper location on the carrier after welding the ends together with my mig. I have no argon setup so I'm using flux core wire. Would you be able to give me any advice on welding the tone ring to the carrier? I know that I should start the puddle on the machine steel (carrier) side and move into the mild steel of the tone ring, just don't have a lot of practice lately and don't want to burn through like I did before when tacking the ends of the tone ring together. I ended up having to cut a segment out of the original tone ring to patch my screw up, but it turned out better than I expected. This car has been down over a year and I finally got all the backordered parts in and want to drive it. Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    Hello, I would like to ask about the odometer and cluster change you did. I have a 1984 244 GL and the odometer stopped around 30,000miles ago. Someone mentioned that I need to 'get the gear' and replace. My questions are : where do I buy or get the gear and can a low level mechanical skill person (me) swap it out?


    This would be another request for info on the short shift mod for the M47 you were making. Still willing to do the work to keep a M47 on the road? My email address is blevins.m.a@gmail.com and I can send you a core if you do not have one in stock.

    regards, mark
    Hi Homer Are you still doing the M47 SHORT THROW . How do I get
    info. Thanks Tom Beggs Santa Cruz CA 831 809 8304 beggs@cruzio.com Thnaks for a reply

    I was looking in your tread and I've seen you build your own engine mounts. (based on a swedish build ?) Do you still make them? I'm building a 245 with a B6304FS engine.

    Or if you would share the dimensions I could make them my self.



    PS Nice build
    I dont have a core, but I would sure like to get one. Let me know when one becomes available and I will paypal you right away, where do you ship from? (661) 510-6647


    I'm trying to find pics of when you painted your headlights and your sub enclosure, but none of them work anymore. Do you have some hiding in the internets somewhere?
    nice, those are really high quality-so are the blaupunkts-both top notch.
    I really want to start making my car nice-looking to yours as inspiration.
    as for the becker-do you plan on doing custom work to mount it? or do they sell actual headunits that are in the universal car hu shape?
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