• Hello Guest, welcome to the initial stages of our new platform!
    You can find some additional information about where we are in the process of migrating the board and setting up our new software here

    Thank you for being a part of our community!

Kjets On a Plane

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  • I thought the Bosch number I gave in my original message was for the Lambda ECU. Is this not correct?
    If not then I unplugged the wrong unit.
    Was pm'ing with Redwood Chair and he pointed me in your direction to see if you have any Lambda Sond ECU's available. I am looking for Bosch #0280800052.
    It appears the one for my '82 B21ft in a 245 is not working as it should.
    You can call me at 207-214-7600 if you prefer.
    Thanks, Bill in San Francisco
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