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  • Other than the one guy that I emailed (and got no response from) I really haven't been actively looking. I'm keeping a casual eye out for the components, though.
    Land ho! or should I say Volvo ho! you remind me of an obsessed little boy waiting for each morning and the hope it brings. THANKS for relays, the wagon project is moving forward literally. it probably will need a new wire harness maybe. Hope all is well with you and the family. The new and improved Josh is running things fairly well. We are starting to ramp up PMS on the ytl tug in Bremerton. Although I do miss the frequent TDYs to Everett, we did score some goodies at d r m o . Jamie is doing some spring cleaning and rearranging the high bay. The LG-1 reassembly is delayed do to strut measurements. Alex flipped his truck red Colorado up side down (no one was injured) the day before he and Susan left for a nice Bahama cruise. The kicker is he'll make 6 to 7 grand after all the bills are paid. Not bad! anyhow things are going smooth and we all miss you take care of your beautiful family. BRAD
    Well I have a 944 and I live in Guam so shipping would be more then the value of the car. I only have 240 greenbooks from the early Eighties. Try posting an add in the wanted section?
    Sell your 940? TURBO WAGON? Who might?

    Where can I buy green books?


    Jeff THACKER

    < TOjeffTHACKER@yahoo.COM >
    ANYTIME (765) 401-4872

    PS; bilstien yellow HD's best for poor man/ street DD? 27mm sway? Where?
    No I never lived near there. It is posible you bought that part from the same guy that I purchased my wifes car from. If I recall correctly he lived out there and also had a 240 Turbo parts car. The picture is from his for sale add before I bought the car.
    Hmmm, so did you formerly live near Chelan? Your 244 pic looks familiar. If so, I'd be the one who bought a black leather shift boot from ya. Still have it, usually used when I'm taking the 245 to a meet to make it look nicer.
    yeah i have a 2.5" catback with a single small muffler.
    i have a 3" DP in my garage, i just need to fab up the rest of the exhaust someday and then an IPD cam and ill be havin too much fun for words :-D
    check out my build thread (if you havent already :lol:)
    its running like ive never felt.
    OMG its fantastic, i shamed a ricer today, and then hit the blow off valve in his window, just for good measure :lol:
    i also just got a black leather recaro racing seat for the driver and the car has officially stepped to the next level.

    thank you for all your help, btw, it was a bad dist, plus na injectors not cooperating with the turbo ECU.
    I played with the turbo. It kicks ass. I have the clutch issue solved for now but will need a stronger clutch soon. My enrichment and boost controls apear to be in harmony like never before and the exhaust is great with out the vibration from the ridgid mount. I can also hold 16 PSI amnifold pressure with the APC, never posible before. No single mod has done as much as the 3" exhaust! Jamie has your exhaust parts in his truck he was going to trade them for the engine hoist.
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