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  • Thank you very much, I went with a TIP 120 and ran 24 to the signal pick-up on a MSD 6AL box. If you ever need anything call me at my shop and i'll set you up. Almost Racing (905)294-9055 ask for Philip.
    my personal 16v setup uses the 60-2 crank trigger, but I have my audi running distributor. On the audi I use the +5v wire from the tps to power the hall sender then I do the mod for 5v to the ms board described in this picture
    that gets the signal from the distributor to the ms box.
    for spark I use 1 bip373 from diy auto tune to fire the coil I dont use the bosch 124 at all.
    for settings the audi is inline 5 so those wont work. the trigger offset of 65 degrees should be in the righ ball park.

    your v3 board should have a bip373 or equivelent ignition driver chip already in it so you wont need the extra complexity of using the bosch 124 module.
    just get ignition power to termnal 15 on the coil and wire the other side to the output of the bip373 on the megasquirt usually pin36.
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