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  • Hey Rich, your PM inbox is full!

    I have a set of 7/9 solid mounts for you - the last set in my hoard! If you're still interested in a set, shoot me a PM.
    Hey man, are you on the Volvo market place NZ on facebook? if not its worth a look theres a few of us now, always good to have more.
    Hi, 0275321489. I have complete taillights for GT, looking for $60 each

    Cheers, Richard
    Hi thanks for the reply. What's you number ill give you a call and sort out buying the lens. Good to find another AK volvoer. I've got a 740glt, 245 gle wagon and the 242gt and everyone thinks I'm nuts.
    I aquired a set of s60 rims so im using them on my 740 at the moment...i'll give you a shout if i plan to sell tho.
    Nothing like a project to keep you busy. I sold the turbo engine conversion to my brother for his 245, hes got everything in already except the fuel lines and some loom, he's also got some bodywork left to do. I am goin the K Jet turbo way as used in the 240 turbos that was available in lhd only. I got a turbo Kjet fuel distributor and warm up regulator that senses boost , i will be putting all of that in my 244 in the end of the year after Uni. Hows your 240 managed to sort out the engine problem in that?
    Hey mate , spotted a gorgeous red 850r at Panmure today and my little brother said it was yours, nice one mate. You are going to have a massive Volvo fleet soon lol :)
    Hey, good to see another NZer on here! Whose GT did you buy? edit: Ah, looks like Dave Tuck's (from Hamilton) old car. Nice. Always wanted a GT.
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