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  • fun times. There was a manual 850 parts car recently I could have acquired. Sadly, I lacked the time (downtime of Christine) and ability, and didn't want to depend on everyone else to help me do something so major.
    Slo - my car is a jealous beast...if I look she blows up. I kid you not. Last time I looked (at a 240 for a winter car nonetheless!) she gave me misfires for a week! That and I'm rather broke. :(
    Probably 1500 or so. I don't know how much I will get for it, as it needs a heater core, tires, and a headlamp lense. But since I don't have work, I don't have much choice. I might even sell both my car and truck, and buy some cheap and efficient econo box, depending on how things go.
    Yeah, I think it was. I have been OK. No work but I am still looking. I am probably going to have to sell the 850 though, as I can't afford 2 cars right now, and the Toyota will do better when it snows in a couple months. I also had the heater core blow out 2 days ago while I was pulling a hill.
    Pretty good. The yellow polyurethane bushing exploded about a day later (I guess the 5 speeds are much harder on motor mounts than the automatics), so I put the old one back in. When it worked, I liked it a lot more than the stock one. I will have to order a blue one when I order my headlight (I am thinking of doing an e-code conversion on the headlights and the turn signals, and add the side markers).
    the idea was to have the car running within a weekend with the new motor....it's been a few months now and the motor is still not in :( I'm sure you know how it goes !!!
    I am still installing the new motor in the wifes car, so I need the old motor for referance and small parts :)
    As soon as it's ready to go, I'll let you know so I can get it out of my garage !!!

    Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot. yesterday was my first show, I was on overload. Did I get to meet you?
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