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  • You mentioned that you had a Volvo roof rack you'd be willing sell. How much are you asking for it?
    Hey Mike: I would want at least 4 and possibly 5. I am looking for straight ones with repairable beads as I will be refinishing them.

    thanks, Harry
    Hey Mike: you mentioned in a post that a friend of yours works at PnP and has 13 Volvos. I would be interested to know if he has any Virgos and How much.

    Thanks, Harry
    Hey man I will have the saddles tomorrow at finley 2pm to 6ish could i get the exhaust hanger?
    I work at Lucky in Ukiah. I was at the Bicentenial store in Santa Rosa until November when I got transferred to the sticks...
    I'm trying to find another 740 that is a solid foundation to put my nice parts on, but money is tight, and of all the bricks for sale, very few are nicer than mine. There was a red '89 Turbo wagon in Santa Cruz, and the lady was cool, but couldn't come up with the cash in time.
    Yeah, I was just giving you ****. I make too much sense sometimes :P But that's a good thing..... yeah I was starving, I don't usually like to buy pre-made food from Oliver's. They have the most health-code violations of any store I ever shop at, so it's best not to eat anything they make there. The other 2 stores don't have that problem, it's probably building age / hippie related.
    Mike, feel better now that I came by work and you didn't really even chit-chat with me?? ;)
    Mike, how's it goin'! Is the front passenger seat in the 944 parts car any good?
    Did you get a chance to check for a coolant res. or expansion tank whatever the correct term is? I am interested. Thanks.

    Well he only wants $250.00 for the tranny and engine. I will have money on friday. LEts do it!!!
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