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    You can find some additional information about where we are in the process of migrating the board and setting up our new software here

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  • I've been watching your 2.4 LH and have a friend , NASA, that might help me in decoding LH. Can I see or get some picture of your interface? If not love your work and want to use 2.4 but am buying parts for MS. I own the 1 Lap America Car, 'V8 volvo spanking a porsche' on youtube, if you want to see. I'm working on my 782 Bertone Turbo with LH 2.4 1991 to change to a 16 valve, MS2?, but would love to tune 2.4! I have SCT chip in a A9L EEC-IV but own protunerRT and a Moates Quarterback and will be tuning her as soon as I finish new HVC ignition install, keep SCT chip as back up. thanks timetrialman59, tj ps My sister lives in Munich.
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