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Search results

  1. baggins798

    Bins and xdfs

    https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ygfwHogwmiQCxbp8QoYVOalsAasHzs2G?usp=sharing A few stock and aftermarket chip bin/xdfs files are there, so you can see what they have changed or not changed. The KL ezk timing map is about right for a maxed out 13c/15g/16t car. Remember to put the...
  2. baggins798

    We measured Redblock cam valve events; here's what we got.

    Why are the valve events way off compared to these ones? (M and V15T, the others do correlate) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1owl0p_-gTH-ideNOq11dbeFYPkpXm3IB/view?usp=sharing Why are the all the figures way off compared to Volvo's figures? ...
  3. baggins798

    Chips today

    Lancer, you use a chip programmer and its software (I use a TL866II+, here's the new version) to read/write the chips and save the bin file, then open it in TunerPro. After making adjustments, you save the file, boot up the programmer's software again, put a blank chip in the socket, select the...
  4. baggins798

    Fuel/Spark tuning for LH 2.4/EZK with TunerPro!

    Esmth, I'm using 984 and 148 bins as they are the ECUs on the car. I think Mrjaybeeze said earlier that the 954 is the best starting point although the 984 is the most refined. Apart from two of the six 5x5 RPM/LOAD maps, everything else seems to be near identical 954 vs 984, with the latter...
  5. baggins798

    Fuel/Spark tuning for LH 2.4/EZK with TunerPro!

    Thanks! Regarding the EZK rev limit, back on page 84: So this does nothing? 05EB RPM Limiter Hard Cut (177, 148 ) Increasing this constant will increase rpm limit stock value in bin : 208 = 0x66 (102) = 6500 rpm 7000 = 142 177 = 0x72 (114) = 6650 rpm 7500 =...
  6. baggins798

    Fuel/Spark tuning for LH 2.4/EZK with TunerPro!

    How do I raise the rev limit? Back between pages 100-110 lookforjoe asked the same thing. There's this: 6055 RPM Limiter (rpm fuelcut threshold) 39 is original value this gives appx 6350 off and 6200 back on 38 = 6490 37 = 6640 Do remember that some EZKs have a low RPM 36 = 6780...
  7. baggins798

    The Kangaroos Team Manifold

    Add ze name to ze list! 😠 IPD wear on early cam gears eBay manifolds with flipped flanges John V flat flywheels with wrong trigger pattern machined JT Tuning badly fitting exhaust systems (ok this gets a pass as it was for lhd) BNE Select top mounts missing parts and no instructions/parts list...
  8. baggins798

    Dyno tests from Ctuning.se (see: B21 vs B230 intake, B230 cam test)

    Why is the VX3 producing more hp and less torque than VX? Should be the other way round. Why are they all producing peak torque at 2070ish.:unsure:
  9. baggins798

    Compomotive 15" alloys?

    Never seen these before. Can't seem to spot them on google images on any 240. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/volvo-240-compomotive-alloys-/271154795218?pt=UK_CarParts_Acc_Wheels_tyres_Trims_Car_Rims_ET&hash=item3f2215d2d2 Just a heads up for any UK peeps.
  10. baggins798

    Oil/Water sandwich plate bolt size

    Hello, can anyone tell me what size the nut/bolt is that holds the oil/water sandwich plate on? Number 8 on this diagram: Thanks!
  11. baggins798

    Ford Cosworth Injectors

    Hello, could someone tell me if these injectors would be a drop in with LH2.4...
  12. baggins798

    Finally found Polaris dammit!

    I came across a decent set with pretty good tyres by chance on eBay a few days ago. Offered a price which was accepted, and collected earlier today. Must be a few more out there as I passed an estate with a set coming back on the A12! (also passed a blue 940 with a blacked out grille and nice...
  13. baggins798

    Can any UKer get me the Air Flow Meter part number?

    Hey guys, Like an idiot I chucked away the AFM plastic top and didn't save the part number, so can any UKer with a 740 turbo spare two seconds to get me it? Thanks!
  14. baggins798

    Won't go over 4k under boost? (B230ET)

    Hello people, The engine is a B230ET with Motronic injection. I've had this problem for awhile now and have replaced a few parts but to no avail. Basically, the car will go over 4k when just feathering it about, but once I hit any amount of boost, the engine stumbles/jerks and won't...
  15. baggins798

    Blacked out my frontend (744t)

    Blacked out the front of my 744t this last week. I started with the grille slash by scuffing the crap out of the fake chrome and badge, and then applied about eight coats of some generic plastic paint (called Plasti-Kote here in the UK). Then followed the headlight trim which eventually turned...
  16. baggins798

    PCV System - Oil in airbox?

    After removing the airbox from my car and opening it up, I noticed a crap load of oil and gunk accumulated at the bottom of it, which I can only assume has come from the large main PCV hose attached to oil trap on the other side of the engine. Is there any way to eliminate this crap from...
  17. baggins798

    Viscous / Clutch Fan Problem

    The fan on my '87 744ti does not seem to cut out at all, even if the engine speed is increased. Is there any way that the fan can be taken apart and repaired? Thanks! Matt