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Search results

  1. B

    LH 2.2 EZK swap question - LH pin 12, EZK pin 15

    Helping a friend with an EZK swap for a +T and would like someone to explain how they connected EZK pin 15 (red/black wire) to LH pin 12 (blue/white wire). Looking through the the article section and finding this: IMPORTANT: If you are using turbo computers, connect the red/black wire from the...
  2. B

    245 tailgate pictures needed (trying to align tailgate)

    Hi all, hoping someone can post some close up pictures of a 245 tailgate. Mostly interested in the hinge area and the transition from roof line to top of tailgate. Does the hinge sit against the top of the door when closed, wondering if my hinges are sagging (if that is possible)? A picture or...
  3. B

    '74 a/c delete, keep power steering?

    I have a '74 145 that has power steering and a/c. I do not plan on keeping the a/c but would like to keep the power steering. In this picture, under the thermostat housing, is a pulley that I believe will work but I am not sure if this pulley will be easy to find. It should only be found on cars...
  4. B

    too much time in the garage = clean car + 100th post.

    Hi, I recently purchased an orbital polisher. Since the paint on my car was looking a bit faded I decided to use this new tool to see if I could brighten things up a bit. the tools used: Porter Cable 7424 polisher Einszett polish and wax myself the faded hood and trunk (before): the...
  5. B

    A/C compressor mounting, HELP!!

    I was wondering if anyone has any pictures of the A/C, powersteering mount for a 240. I am having a problem keeping the compressor straight. I replaced the mount bushings with the poly ipds. I know that the belt tensioner for the compressor seems to be on wrong but this is how I got the car so I...
  6. B

    My new wheels!! (no teasers)

    Hello, here are a few pics of my "new" Epsilon 3-piece wheels. Enjoy!!
  7. B

    Orlando Junkyard Meet Pictures

    Here are a few pictures of the mini-meet we had on Saturday. Enjoy! Mike's 940 with his bling-bling Polaris wheels Bob's 240 (playing hooky from work) Kyle's 240 (his car was too fast to get a halfway decent rolling shot) Kent's 240 (being ran off the road by my careless driving while...
  8. B

    A Christmas present to myself (BBS style)

    I bought these on ebay this evening. They are 16x7 in the front and 16x8 in the rear. It would be nice if they were 3-piece like the ones posted recently, but these will due. Maybe Santa will bring some tires for me this year.:)
  9. B

    Opinions needed, please (wheels)

    I was just wondering how you guys thought this looked. The wheels are painted a nice shade of gray primer. I messed up one of my Virgos and have been thinking of going the steel wheel route. I had planned on painting them silver but I thought I may be able to pull this off instead. They...
  10. B

    Am I crazy? (tire ideas)

    Is it just me or is this the craziest 240 ever!? :-D I have been looking for a different wheel/tire combo than the usual Virgos. Call me crazy, but I think this is it. I have seen these tires on a couple of VWs and liked it but this is the first Volvo I have seen with these tires. This...
  11. B

    240 headlight suggestions, please!!

    I have been thinking of installing some e-codes on my 85 240. I am not sure about going through with this because it will look more like an 86+ setup. The light output will be great but it will totally change the front of my car. I just need to see some pics of some nice 240s with the 86- e-code...
  12. B

    Washed/Waxed the 240. OMG the cleanest 240 eva!

    J/K, haven't posted any pics of my car lately. It hasn't been this clean in a while either. The pics are not that great but here it goes.
  13. B

    New camera, new Swedish plate

    New camera, Crane carjack victim Trying out my new camera with my new Swedish plate. Enjoy!! Took some more pics today and found out that the Cranes here in Florida have a thing for Volvos. This guy had the nerve to run me off so he could finish off the bugs in the grille. After the birds...
  14. B

    'A' Cam?

    Hello, what kind of change would be felt switching to an 'A' cam in an auto NA 240? Any personal experience? Does anyone know if the adjustable cam gear is still being made by Dale? Thanks in advance.
  15. B

    NA 240 head work, huh?

    Hello, I have an 85 240 DL. I have been a habitual lurker on this site for almost a year now and I need some advice on improving my stock head. I know most people on this site will say forget the foreplay and just +T the car but I drive this particular car at least 500 miles a week. I am just...
  16. B

    Help with Momo steering wheel install, please!

    I must be out of it today because I can't figure out how to install my Momo steering wheel. I have an 85 240 with the large diameter steering wheel with the two horn buttons on either side of the wheel. The Momo wheel is the one that has three spokes and the small Volvo emblem attatched in the...
  17. B

    Bumpstop question

    I am going to be installing a set of Boge Turbo Gas struts along with TME sport springs. I need to know if I need to put in bumpstops with the new struts. The Bilsteins I have right now have the internal bumpstops so I dont know how the Boges will work without bumpstops. I just dont want to have...
  18. B

    Good shock/strut combo w/ TME springs

    My 85 244 has developed a nice leaky strut insert on the passenger side. I installed Bilstein HDs along with TME sport springs about 5 months ago. I know I can send the Bilstein back and get it replaced/repaired, but why would I put the same crap back in? Does this happen a lot to these...
  19. B

    AW-70 to M46, help needed.

    Hello, I am hoping to dump the slushbox of my 85 240 for a M46. It is bad enough the car is a non turbo but it is auto as well. I would like to know all the parts needed for the swap and any input from people who have done this swap. Also what the cost should be if everything is purchased...