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740 AC wiring help


former PRVert
Oct 13, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Anybody has an AC wiring diagram for 1990 740 turbo (b204gt but hopefully should be the same for all turbos)? Its the manual one where you have to move the slider to change the temperature...
My wiring is messed up and I would like to put it back in the original state. And volvowiringdiagrams is still down...
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1989 740 AC system, ?90 should be similar if not identical:


Ok, that doesn't help as much as I was expecting.
The thing is, probably like half of the ac in my car has been home-made, not using original parts. And I really want to get rid of all this stuff, because it's done horribly and the ac is not working anyways.
In the engine compartment, I have these plugs hanging:

<a href="https://imgur.com/TGEwar2"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/TGEwar2l.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>

<a href="https://imgur.com/IEvrGgp"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/IEvrGgpl.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>

Everything comes from the same wiring, with colors:
1 green green
2 brown greenwhite
3 blackwhite blackwhite
4 green (cut and soldered onto green)
5 greenred (that one comes from the wiring harness on the second pic)
6 blackwhite bluegreen

Is any of the plugs ringing a bell? If I remember correctly from my previous car, number 1 was there and also I remember that round plug #4. But the rest...no idea...:roll:
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