Of those 14 years ive been a member nearly 10 .everything I've suggested has originally come from this forum or from trying it myself , I'm not saying this is the only way to do it , what im saying is here is what ive tried and succeeded there is always more than one way to skin a cat . This is how I skin mine.
it may be info from this forum, but it's out of context and without explanation. If you're simply listing your own method I would suggest you keep it in your build thread.
a problem with 'visible evolution' (or in the case of tb, searchable evolution perhaps) is that while many things remain relevant, some reasons change; some things do change; better information is available as well as better explanations for things. But as all of this is available to pick from at any point, controlling (in as much as can be controlled) the flow of knowledge becomes complicated at best. It's good to know where you came from and why, but nuggets picked out of the past can be more damaging than simple wrong conclusions in the current.
I suspect this is what John is getting at: how do you seperate the wheat from the chaff? I'm quite positive I can search out things that I've tried and conclusions I've reached over the past 15 years and find things-probably numerous things-wrong, or outdated, or better explained and possibly done better by other people.
How is one to know what's good and what isn't? Well I wouldn't start by being close minded and brit-centric, nor would I start off quite so matter-of-fact and my way or the highway with something that is supposed to be helpful for the
community at large. You're certainly entitled to your opionions and methods, I don't begrudge you that nor your ability to share those items, so that's where I'm coming from with my comments-they're not an attack on you yourself, but rather the product laid forth...
back to the how: probably best would be a discussion on the various points without getting hung up on what's behind the engine, along with reasoning for them.
Example: you recommend a 3 inch throttle body for higher than 300 hp. Why is that? Why not a in-manufacturer 65mm throttle body? There are plenty of people with larger engines making much more power with a basicbitch 65mm throttle body.
Why a V cam? why not a modern cam? You may say "because they're cheap", fine, but then I would posit that a T cam is cheapest of all and will get you past the 250hp mark. You mention big valves and ported head long before you mention upgraded intake manifold.
Even the swedes have long known that putting the b230f intake manifold back on a ported head essentially negates most-if not all-of the gains porting might have gotten you.
In short, as a person that's tuned dozens of different combinations of parts, it seems like you've cherry picked a few things here and there, and compiled them willy-nilly. I would also posit that while shooting for a specific number with regards to hp is better than "I want it faster", it doesn't really lend itself to goal setting with respect to this particular list-budget or otherwise. That seems kinda like saying "I want to run 20 pounds of boost" and the unspoken reason is "so I can brag to my buddies about running 20 pounds of boost". Marginally better would be to say "I want a 14 second volvo" or, "I want to make enough power to cut my laptimes at the auto-x by >insert time<", but then the responses to those goals are a bit more diverse (and kinda divergent at that point).