Trying to find out if this scenario was true. Back in the 80s when Volvo customers were complaining about their V6 cars needing early cam replacement I'm told Volvo issued a TSB (technical service bulletin) on how to "repair" this issue. This was told to me by two different long term Volvo technicians from two different Dealerships. The bulletin described installing some type of "splash shield" in the heads such that more oil would remain and splash around the cams and rockers. I have never found this bulletin and not sure of what I was told indeed was true. One of these technicians also raced Volvos and suggested he would on occasion just drill the oil holes in the cams a bit larger to help oil flow. This he would do to customers' cars that he repaired at his home. So is this TSB fact or fiction? If fact, does anyone have a copy and what was this "splash shield" that was mentioned?
If this has been covered else where please post a link
If this has been covered else where please post a link