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Canadian 1984 244 DL B21A/B6304 project log.

My stress level dropped immensely when they gave me the diagnosis :). It's still serious, and rare, but the treatment path is clear. I'm getting an ultrasound of my heart to ensure the infection hasn't damaged it, but the docs are confident it's fine.

I'm glad my work gives me unlimited sick leave too (Civilian Member of the RCMP), so I don't have to worry about my income.
Dang man, that sounds like one heck of a roller coaster!!! Glad they got it all sorted, and that you?ve got an awesome employer with a great medical leave policy! That?s huge!
Glad you are on the recovery side of the diagnosis. A bad back is one of the things that disabled me. Be happy you aren't allergic to the antibiotics like myself. I can't take any of them nowadays. Hope you have a fast recovery and make the best of healing up.
Going on a month and a half of discitis and week 3 of thrice-daily IV antibiotics. 3-5 weeks to go! This spine infection is no joke, as I'm learning. I saw my family doctor yesterday and he said in his entire career (probably 40+ years) he's NEVER seen it. I have an appointment on the 20th of October to see the infectious disease unit and they'll be making the call on how much longer I have to have antibiotics. I am beginning to feel a bit better, finally, and can almost pretend everything is fine for at least an hour or two :).

Before all this nonsense happened, I was set to install the LS into the bay and the car was on jackstands in the driveway. Obviously it isn't going to happen before winter now, so I enlisted the help of my dad and my wife and got it back down on the ground and pushed into the garage for winter. It was a sad day, but it was a good day...as far as pain levels go.


It's not really that cluttered, the angle of the shot just makes it look horrible. The wife's car has to stay outside this year due to the cancellation of the shed construction (for all the junk on her side of the garage), but she's ok with it. Now that she works from home she doesn't need a warm car every morning, lol.

I really hope this winter goes fast...
F**k spine infections.
I had a buddy come over and we slotted the engine in. Took 1.5 hours, including compensating for my crippled self. There are some...tweaks required. The T5 is a bit too far forward but I could possibly slip the engine back enough to compensate if I could clear the steering shaft (STS one). As it is right now it's touching, which prevents movement. I may need to remove the manifold to get the engine in the right place and 'make it fit' later.

I think I might actually be able to get away with the current one-piece driveshaft (from the redblock-t5 setup) but if not, it only needs to be lengthened a couple of inches if I can't move the engine back.


The engine is not set in the bay properly yet, as evidenced by the slight driver's side angle. I'll get to that at some point, lol.

Oh, if anyone is interested: There is NO firewall or tunnel clearancing required with the T5/LS install. It went in like butter, no prybar needed. It slipped right over the crossmember and dropped into place (302-2 clone pan). I'm even using the same crossmember I used with the 4 cylinder setup.
I am curious about the alignment of the shifter in the tunnel opening in the current state. Is it too far forward as in a couple inches and the shifter would be into the console?
The last bolt is in, and it was a fight, ugh. Poly bushings are tough to deform, lol. Steering shaft clearance (STS slim one) is approx 1/8", which is apparently fine.

I am curious about the alignment of the shifter in the tunnel opening in the current state. Is it too far forward as in a couple inches and the shifter would be into the console?

The shifter is right at the very front of the stock shifter hole. I'm probably going to have to add 1/2"-1" to the hole, but that will still hide under the stock boot I think. A bent shifter arm will be required, but honestly, I think it's an acceptable fit. The third-gen Camaro T5 tailhousing would put the shifter further back an inch...but I'm not going to bother with that. There's a TON of space at the firewall so I could actually mount the engine an inch further back if I wanted to. I've got a bit of space left on the STS mounts so I might be able to slide it all back a bit, but I'm too beat to try today.

Apparently I've pushed myself too hard this weekend, because my body has just shut down. It's 2pm in the afternoon and it's bedtime, lol.
Been a bit since I've checked up on this thread.

I see you've traded one 16v for another! I was thinking about jumping on that 2.5 when you had it up on Facebook, but too far, too broke and too unmotivated for a swap right now, honestly a bummer I had to pass on it.

I'm apparently slightly illiterate, but I believe before there was some talk of you throwing carbs on the LS? What were you going for, just a single four-barrel, or something more exotic?

Good to hear you're getting better though, always a pleasure to open up this thread and see what the new engine du jour is!
Wow yea that?s not bad. Thanks for the picture.
I moved the engine as far back as possible...and this is the new shifter position.


No clearancing is going to be required now. I have to shift one coil a bit since it hits the booster, but there's still about an inch and a half between the back of the heads and the firewall. I was able to use the same crossmember I had for the T5 swap on a redblock, but had to drill new holes about 3/4"-1" away (and add a bit of metal) from the original ones. This means I MIGHT be able to use my T5 redblock one-piece driveshaft, and if it's just a bit too short I can get a spacer for the rear flange :).

The manifold to steering shaft clearance got a bit tighter though, so I took the flap wheel and added a bit of clearance. Not too sure it'll be enough, but I'll find out later, lol.
Been a bit since I've checked up on this thread.

I see you've traded one 16v for another! I was thinking about jumping on that 2.5 when you had it up on Facebook, but too far, too broke and too unmotivated for a swap right now, honestly a bummer I had to pass on it.
Don't worry...I've still got an AQ140A and a 2.5L block here for you, lol. ;).
I'm apparently slightly illiterate, but I believe before there was some talk of you throwing carbs on the LS? What were you going for, just a single four-barrel, or something more exotic?
I was thinking about a standard Holley 4bbl, but there's not enough clearance. I've decided to stay fuel injection so I can just enjoy the car for a while as a turn-key driver.

Good to hear you're getting better though, always a pleasure to open up this thread and see what the new engine du jour is!

Thanks man. It's been a BRUTAL three months but I'm finally getting my health and mobility back. Make no mistake though, I am painfully paying for the last two days of tinkering. It's worth every ounce of ouchie though. I've missed my car! :D
HA! I found the driveshaft spacer I used with the B6304S/AW30-40 swap, so I'm certain I can use my current Redblock-T5 one-piece DS. I may have to have it shaved down a bit, because it's 1.125" thick and I don't think I need that much. I am going to swap out the dampened slip yoke too, since I won't need it with the V8. Then I will be able to see exactly how much I need to take off the spacer.
I needed to move the rear coil on the driver's side because it rested firmly against the brake booster. I didn't want to spend 100 USD on a single coil bracket that relocated the rear coil for swapmergencies like this...so I busted out the 'make it work' mentality.


It means I can still use stock plug wires too, so that's a win.
I swapped out the dampened yoke since I won't need it with the V8, and the universe decided to throw me a bone...the single piece driveshaft I was using with the Deeworks T5 kit on the redblock is an EXACT fit for the new setup. The axle is at ride height, with weight, and there is an inch of yoke showing. I'm STOKED! :D
...the universe giveth, the universe taketh away.

So I go to put the intake on, high on the fact that I don't have to buy a new driveshaft...and it doesn't fit. Due to how far back I mounted the engine, the back of the truck intake rested firmly on the 'pinch' weld that runs along the back of the bay. I had to slot a 6" section and pound it flat to get the intake in...and my soul hurts. My poor car :(.

Then I go to close the hood...and 'everything' hits. Sigh. I had to shave down pretty much everything that I didn't need, and while it doesn't hit anymore, it's c**t hair close in spots. I guess the lesson learned is if you choose to deviate from the recipe, it's going to take a bit more work to get it right, lol. The STS mounts should allow for the truck intake to be used without touching, but I've clearly done something a bit too differently. Ah well. If it becomes a huge problem, I can always space down the engine crossmember a bit. I don't want to go with an aftermarket intake, because I can't be fussed with tuning for it. I want full stock-ish.
