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Classicswede Lowering Springs

I wouldn't buy anything from classic swede. The owner tells people they should kill themselves and makes homophobic remarks.

That kind of makes me want to buy from him more. Not that I have any problem whatsover with homosexuals, I just reserve my right to make homophobic jokes. And to tell a lot of people they should kill themselves. Daily almost.
I want to be about 2 fingers in between the wheel and the fender. How many coils would that be?
I've literally lowered over 100 240's with anything from cut springs to high end custom race coil-overs. They are ALL different. You don't sound like you want it really low, so just do 2 in front and 1.5 in back.

And you send a picture of your personal car so I can see what 2.5 or 3 coils does?
My oldest son's daily driver 1983 245 DL with 17x8/9's and 245/40-17's all around. It's cut roughly 3 coils.

Buy the IPD stuff when it's on sale and call it a day.

Their springs are as low as is practicable, and you'll save a bunch of money when it's all said and done.
Buy the IPD stuff when it's on sale and call it a day.

Their springs are as low as is practicable, and you'll save a bunch of money when it's all said and done.

This. In a nutshell. Bring lots more money and effort if you want to significantly exceed the limits of the IPD stuff. Most people will crash before they can find or exceed the limits of what IPD offers, IMO.
This. In a nutshell. Bring lots more money and effort if you want to significantly exceed the limits of the IPD stuff. Most people will crash before they can find or exceed the limits of what IPD offers, IMO.
The limit would be defined by ones driving talent, not necessarily the springs. I'll out drive your 240 on IPD springs with my 240 on cut springs. Then we can switch cars and I'll out drive you on the IPD springs.
Here's my junk on IPD springs. This is the cheapest thing short of cut springs, and it is as low as I want it. You may want to go lower, but for how I use this car (like a truck and a daily driver) it is how I want it. It actually lowered my car 2 inches all the way around measured.

My car misses 1.5 coils from the front left, and two coils from the front right. Dont ask why, it leaned to the drivers side. Occasionally I wish i only cut 1/1,5 coil, because it hits bumpstops on hard turns or bumps.
But at least its not super low, the lowest point of the airdam still have a clearance of ~17cms, and when i put some stuff in the trunk or 4-5 ppl in the car, it sits level, as in my signature pic.
That kind of makes me want to buy from him more. Not that I have any problem whatsover with homosexuals, I just reserve my right to make homophobic jokes. And to tell a lot of people they should kill themselves. Daily almost.

Well you're probably a terrible person and a bad representation for your company as well.
I wouldn't buy anything from classic swede. The owner tells people they should kill themselves and makes homophobic remarks.

I only tell those who enjoy crushing classic Volvo's that killing themself would be a good idea. I feel no shame in having that opinion and will stick to it.

As to homophobc remarks I have no idea bound to have made a few just as I will tell jokes about Welsh folk making love to sheep myself incuded. You have to be able to take a joke before you tell one. Where you plant your sausage has nothing to do with me nor anyone other than those you do it with.

With your comment matching that of a very arrogant guy on Face Book by the name of Brandon Porter I asume you are one and the same. I have seen many comments from you on the turbo bricks group that have been well past the mark of banter and talking absolute rubbish slagging of car builds and all in all having a habit of being a nasty pasty. I'm sure face to face you are a nice chap but you really should take a look at how you conduct yourself on the internet especially Face Book.
Hey, I recently bought a 245 and have been considering the classicswede lowering springs. I am torn between the 60/40 mm and the 80/60mm lowering springs. If anyone has these springs on there car could you post them please?

The big question is how are you usingt he car as in road condions and loading. Also what is the look you are hoping to get with wheel fitement?

Cut coils is not a great idea with 30 odd year old springs and I'm yet to find a 240 that even drives half decent on cut original springs
Cut coils is not a great idea with 30 odd year old springs and I'm yet to find a 240 that even drives half decent on cut original springs
How many lowered 240's have you driven?
How many 240's have you cut springs on?
How much do you usually cut off?
Do you trim the bump stops?
Why is it not a good idea to cut 30 year old springs?