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Detailed wiring diagram for MS-II, EDIS, & knocksense


New member
Jun 14, 2005
Mountain View, CA
As some may know, I've been building a 242 for about 6 months now. For the whole thread, go here:


But for short, the "electronics" specs are MS-II, EDIS, knocksense, e-fan and a few other things. When we started, we made a really detailed wiring diagram in AutoCAD because we really rewired everything in the bay but the wiper motor and it was too much to keep in our heads. So now I've got this really nice diagram and figure it would be of some use to those who need some clarification on how it all works together. Like I said, it's an AutoCAD file, which most people don't have. But they make a free read-only version you can download from the AutoCAD site. Below, I put a bitmap exportation of the file just to give you an idea, but it's very small and pixelated and most words and details are just too small to be seen as a bitmap. Anyway, would there be any interest in making the real file downloadable?

I would like to get a copy of that file. i am getting ready to instal my MS and this would be awesome to have. Granted I am not goin with MSnS but still. Im trying to rewire as much of it as possible.
I was checkin out your build thread. Where did you get that main connector on the firewall? I like that idea alot, I was going to do something like that but could not find an appropriate connector.
I was checkin out your build thread. Where did you get that main connector on the firewall? I like that idea alot, I was going to do something like that but could not find an appropriate connector.

I'd have to go back and look cause we got wiring stuff from like 4 different places. but it's called a "bulkhead connector" and mines just got that orange rubber piece for waterproofing. they shouldn't be too hard to find with a google search. and the other connectors along the firewall (the little 3 pin and 6 pin ones) are GM Weatherpak connectors, they're really good quality connectors and terminals that are watertight. you can get those online too.

nice, how about a DXF version??

any particular reason for the DXF? just because dwg is kinda the norm.

Alright, so there seems to be enough interest. does anyone know how we could make it downloadable? anyone have like server space?
how big is the file? word of mouth // chaining emails is usually a pretty good way.

true true. we'll try that. everyone that wants it, post your emails here. it wont be until wednesday that i can email it out though because the file is on my other computer.

btw, im not copyrightinig it or anything but just so that i say it, let's not have anyone go sell it or steal it or be stupid like that, aight?
maybe put something in the file tag?

It'd be appreciated, my email is above. I drew up a similar one for interfacing with lh 2.4, but never got a chance to build it.