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240 door card backside plastic

Depends on year? The '89+ white style are more UV resistant & were riveted over the tops of the speakers even & tucked into the doors to shed water, but the window scrapers being intact is still important for the health/longevity of the door cards. '89+ style a bit more tyvek like, but don't have fiberglass/fibers in them.

They're not that expensive new & they often get chucked or molested when people hack stereos in the cars.

The '85?-'88 style are a sorta thicker but more brittle/easily torn or cracked clear plastic / poly vinyl it would seem?

-'84 are some waxy paper that rots and molds in the PNW, especially if the window scraper seals aren't perfect or are broken/old by now & car wasn?t garaged its whole life?

Or do you mean the actual door card/panel itself & not the vapor barrier?
I think it's just masonite or some kind of fiber board, don't know of any plastic on the back of 200 series door cards themselves?...
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This is exactly what I did. I cut a shower liner to fit the door and sealed it around with butyl tape. It works very well.
That's how they do it on the Japanese cars (effectively in some cases though the window regulators can gum up on those/stop working in rainy drippy salt air?) , but Volvo literally sorted out the Vapor barrier nicely on the ~'89+ models, why reinvent the wheel?
They're still in the junkyards (not for 242 I guess?) or were actually not that expensive new from the dealer...
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Moisture barrier for floors is usually ?6 mil? (.006?) and available in small rolls cheap.
12 mil is more rare, then it jumps to the 20 mil, usually only found in huge rolls.