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fitting an alternator on a 66 122s

That's a good option!

Another is maybe swapping an alternator from a volvo PRV engine. I did this on my b20e. It was pretty straight forward. I remember having to drill put the mounting holes for the standard fasteners. then it bolted up iirc.
The B18 blocks (other than the very late prod?) don't have an alternator mounting location, they just have bolt holes along the side of the block for the generator brackets. So they need an adapter for the large forward facing bolt an alternator uses. And if you're going to adapt something on, you should probably go with that simple, cheap, abundantly available GM/Delco one-wire setup.

I got a Bosch setup in my PV along with the rest of the B20E. But swapping a motor is a bit involved just to get an alternator.
The B18 blocks (other than the very late prod?) don't have an alternator mounting location, they just have bolt holes along the side of the block for the generator brackets. So they need an adapter for the large forward facing bolt an alternator uses. And if you're going to adapt something on, you should probably go with that simple, cheap, abundantly available GM/Delco one-wire setup.

I got a Bosch setup in my PV along with the rest of the B20E. But swapping a motor is a bit involved just to get an alternator.

YES on the one-wire AC-Delco/Remy units. It's so easy with the adapter kit.

I think '68 was the first year that the blocks were cast with alternator mounts since so many cars were switching to alternators then. My '67 was not cast so I used Ron's bracket. Very good quality and customer service. He made it super easy and provided all the necessary information.
+1 on the easy conversion that Ron supplies, and the GM internally regulated alternator is indeed abundant. I've also thought about one of those higher output alt's as one might find in Summit Racing catalog and all:-D, but the 30 t0 55 amp stuff seems fine for the comparatively low power requirements of my 1968 220 so far. No huge audio amps to feed, no EFI to feed, no rear window defroster, power seats or windows, yadda, yadda, yadda.:)
just making sure. i probably wont need it. and no i looked at the price and went on a patrol. im in afghanistan bro. didnt have time to read a whole write up inbetween getting shot at sorry.
You could also just order an alternator from a 140 and the corresponding regulator or adapt a 240 unit with internal regulator...depends on what you want I suppose. Oh and don't forget to get a real wire going to the starter.

With 140 alternator.

With 240 alternator.
The B18 doesn't have the mounting point for that.

Ad if you're going to adapt something other than what you already have on hand, might as well not use the old Volvo stuff, but the common, cheap, easy to find Delco stuff.
Make sure when you take your Delco/Remy part numbers to the parts store that you get an authentic Delco/Remy unit and not the comparable store brand. I got the store brand and the first two didn't work right. I took it back for a Delco and it's been fine for a year.
okie dokie. do you have the part number im ordering all this from afghanistan so i wont be home to looka t teh sheet of part numbers. i wnat to order it here and have it ready for when i get home
I don't think I have them anymore. Email Ron and he'll give them to you. Any local parts store should have them though. That's the beauty of it. How many Amazon parts can you buy from AutoZone?
I got my alternator off ebay, 66 amp ac delco. With rons kit it has been working great. Also super easy to install with all the instructions he provides