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Inspiration for 740s

This was posted on the facebook page a couple days ago.

Gotta love the 80?s look!
Lovely, indeed. Such a classy look. My father had one of these 10 years ago. Even though it was an old car which was in a very bad shape when we bought it, after a little repair it was as good as new. This is the thing I like about these cars: even though the car is 100 years old after a little repair it works well again. I remember that I almost cried when my father decided to sell it in order to buy a warehouse for sale in Berlin. It was our very first car and it had been like another family member for a long time.
Caught a pic of an amazing 92 940 turbo at Costco; owner says he bought it used, like the first year or two after it was new. Also said it is > 300k miles with regular maintenance and no HG ever done. Crazy!


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I love this car, it really is amazing. Its design is very elegant. If I could have many of these, I would. :cool:

Then you better look fast as the permabanhammer is coming your way very shortly.