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Is your refrigerator running? Mark's '86 745 DD- the Frigidaire!

I think you should keep the sunroof covered up for pure weirdness, but if you ever resurrect it, you should photo-document it like an archeological dig.

+1 on the marine radio.
If you're going to swap the heater core- use the original brass style, hopefully that's what Jordan's got.

940 didn't come with a moonroof eh? Too bad!
As with everything exterior, they're messed up.
The glass on the drivers side is broken and has a vanity mirror glued atop it.

Bourbon fortified, I ordered several hundred dollars worth of Volvo goodness tonight. :cheers::cheers::cheers:

between 168 and 175 for all cylinders... little oil on the rear plug, but all in all not bad. Engine does seem to have a HUGE puff of blue smoke on startup after sitting.

Got an already machined LH 2.4 dogdish and clutchnet stage two PP tonight too, thanks to Ermit71 who's the best neighbour ever.

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Been driving the 945 for a coupla weeks now- it's a fine car that makes me sad for how it was treated.

Picked up the deck I'm going to install.

No CD capability, because CDs are a dead media and can die in a f*cking fire. I hate op-op-op-op-op-op-tical drives. :-P

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