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No direction - the build saga of an 82 242 DL

Making good progress, nice to get it all cleaned up!

Thanks, its coming along a little bit at a time. All the major components are at the house now for what will be Stage 1, which is getting it in and out of the shop under its own power...

The 88 parts car runs and drives, so its donating its motor and LH2.2 parts for the time being. I picked up another 242 that may or may not supply its interior, M46, and flathood...jury is out on it. Nice solid car that someone started on and lost interest in.
Very cool! Love your shop too! One day we'll have to meet up.
Thanks! I hope to have the shop wired soon and by spring I should have a lift. Right now I'm running off an extension cord from the house....

Seems there are several of us in North GA. Might have to do a cookout early next year.

Great getting the kids involved. Beautiful 242!

Agreed. Love seeing that stuff.

They are always out in the shop with me "helping" with what ever is going on. I think I fix more bicycles and Powerwheels than Volvos!

The 82 is back on blocks once again. I'm caught up with everyone else's projects for now so maybe I can make some headway on this one.

Decided to get started on the floor pan repair along with repairing the battery tray area. The drivers side floor was gone under the seat riser, so I am using a donor pan section from the 89 wagon I parted.



Some spot welds and plasma action later


Still have alot of clean to do plus patch a couple small spots but the goal is to weld it in as one large section.

Also removed the battery tray to see what is going to need repaired under it. The 88 244 will be donating some metal for the apron area.


I made a little more progress cleaning up the donor pan. New spot weld drill came in which makes quick work of some of the welds. Had to stop working on the Volvo to do some charity mechanic work for a family member.


Also, UPS dropped off the first 4 boxes of new parts.

Not much hands on progress in the last couple months. Work and some shop projects have taken up a good portion of my free time. Scored some insulation for the shop pretty cheap and since lumber came down to a semi-affordable level, I was able to build a 8x24 storage loft in one end of the shop.





Finally able to get the 83 242 back in the shop. I still have some more work to do to get the 82 back in so the floor pan work can continue.

While the shops been closed, some parts have rolled in. Found a 'good' V6 T5 locally. I ordered the V8 input shaft from Pro-Force Performance along with all associated bearings and shims. The Deeworks adapter plate is on order from Yoshifab. Also, some more suspension parts took up residence in the shop in the last few weeks.


Back to making some progress. Seems like I work on 3-4 cars a week for other people which only delays working on my own.

I had time to finish removing the dash and steering column to make some room to do the floor repairs.


I'm starting with passenger rear as it should be the easiest repair.
Area to be patched outlined

Rough cutout

Removing the spot welds underneath

The leftovers

Donor piece from the 89 wagon

Still some fitting to go. Rocker way sprayed with SEM Copperweld where the panels will lap. Using 1/8" Clecos and some butt-weld clamps for fitting.

Welded in and some grinding done. Plenty more hammer/dolly work and grinding to go, but at least its solid. I'm waiting on some sanding belts to come in to get in the panel lines.
Im going to get all the patches welded in and rough grinding done, then go back and do the finishing work.
On to the passenger front corner. Wire brush on a grinder to remove the seam sealer and loose metal then the area to be replaced is outlined.

Rough cut out

Donor patch from the wagon

Jack point removed. I'm going to be able to leave the jack point in place on the 82 for this repair. There is a 1/2 strip of metal that is solid to weld this patch to. On the driver side, I dont think I will be so lucky.

Passenger front patch. Still some work to do but at least its original metal.
This was another quick patch on the passenger rear floor. It was an area of heavy pitting that I patched using 16 gauge sheetmetal.


welded in, I didn't get a shot after the plug weld to the frame rail.
And finally some more parts.
125k mile 1995 B230G short block and a much better condition flat hood. Also a B230R block and crank for a future build.

I was able to get a little work done on the passenger front floor this week.

I separated the donor floor section from the parts car into 2 pieces: the firewall section and the floor section. Initially I was going to attempt this repair without drilling out the remaining 4 spot welds for the front jack point but decided to go ahead and drill those out as well with a 5/16 bit. I pried the jack support down about 1/2" to give me some room to sandwich the floor between the jack point and the rocker. There is still plenty more welding/grinding to go, but the firewall section is in place. I have the floor section patch for this area trimmed and clean, but realized that the rocker is pushed up about 1/2" where the car was jacked up by the pinch weld at some point. OCD kicked in and shut the progress down. I have ordered a clamp to attach to the pinch weld and hopefully get it straightened out.

Sorry, but I'm not a photographer.
This is the view from the front wheel well area.

Firewall section in and solid at least. Still more tacks to go as well as the spot welds to the cowl area. The patch is solid against the rocker panel, but you can see where the jack point is away from the floorpan. Once all the welding/grinding is done I will use a floor jack to press the jack point back up to the floor pan and weld it back in place.

The inside view for now. Most of the welding has been from the underside.

And the rocker damage that I am going to attempt to pull back down.

That's it for now. Both of the 242s are getting kicked out of the shop this weekend so I can get a scissor lift in there to finish up the ceiling insulation.
I had the week prior to Christmas off this year so we rolled the cars out and I put my son to work finishing up the insulation.




That should make working in the shop a little more bearable if it ever decides to get cold this winter.

Next on the list was getting the 242 back in the shop and make some progress on the floor pans. It was my daughter's turn to exchange labor for rent so she handled jacking the car back up on the blocks and getting the front wheel back off.


First up was repairing the passenger rocker that was damaged. The clamp I ordered off amazon came in and I was able to pull the pinch weld back down. I tried a few combinations of pry bars and wood blocks and ended up repositioning the clamp about 20 times but was finally able to get the pinch weld close enough to straight.

This was the first attempt. I ended up using a 48" crow bar without the jack handle. It was easier to stand on....

The final result.

One of the rocker drains was also damaged at some point. I tried just prying it out but ended up shaping a piece of scrap metal and hammered it up in there then used it as a dolly to get it back straight.


Looking good. Are you going to drywall the whole thing?

I will be using that idea for the damaged drain hole, very inventive!
Not sure yet. I got a deal on the insulation but since it was unfaced I used the house wrap to cover it. Looks better than pink insulation everywhere and cost $130 to do the whole shop. I have considered drywall due to the price difference between it and plywood. It will be a while either way, A/C needs to come first.