I finished my ATI damper/serpentine belt conversion. I'm pretty happy with it.
I went for a quick test drive to see what coolant pressure is doing now. Before this pulley setup coolant pressure was ~450 kPa absolute at 6800 RPM. After this pulley setup it is now ~370 kPa absolute at 6800 RPM. That gives roughly a 10 psi drop for the same RPM. For reference I measure coolant pressure at one of the spare ports on the intake side of the head.
Empirically, coolant temp did seem to rise more rapidly to the 82 degree thermostat temp, but it never went above that. Granted this data is from a quick night drive so things may change in the heat of the day in traffic but we'll see. I've never had cooling issues before so I'm pretty confident in my radiator and fan setup.
Alternator voltage never dropped below 13.3ish amps, which isn't different than what it was before. I need to do some more testing to see and really rev it out all the way, but this data is definitely promising.
If someone else is planning on swapping to the KL racing serpentine pulleys, just be aware the alternator pulley won't fit the Denso 100 amp without modification. The step diameter on the hub hits the Denso case, preventing it from fully seating. A quick turn on the lathe, or a circle on the mill can fix it. I didn't spit the serpentine belt in the quick drive, so I think belt alignment is good but we'll see with more driving.
Stock pulley:
Stock KL pulley (doesn't fully seat):
Modified KL pulley:
Modified KL pulley fitment: