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  • Where are you located? I ask because I have a complete mint black interior that came from a murdered incredible low mileage 760.
    Sorry for the late reply. I'm on vacation and not on the computer much! He's on the forum I think but I don't know his member's name. I'll ask him and will get back. He's running an MS3 box I think.
    Dont really know of any other resources, but lots of piecemeal bits of info out there.
    I would keep the 780 dash and just refinish the wood. Im currently redoing one of my spare wood sets to drop in later. Not too hard.

    Manual swaps are quite easy if you can find all the genuine parts.
    Everything is plug and play pretty much, unless you want to do a few mods. I changed out the rear end from a 960 with 3.31 LSD which really is a better match for an all round driver.
    I have the driveshaft and linkage kit to install an m47 into a 700 series for sale. Was keeping that as a backup, but if my M90 ever craps out, ill probably just get another.
    Where are you located?
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