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  • Yeah, moved here permanantly a little over a year ago. Volvo-less at the moment, been looking for a 240 for my soon to be 16 yr. old son though. If you know of anything, give me a shout. He hates the wagons, loves to 242's, but they are pretty rare everywhere. He would like a 244. I'm not looking for a turbo or anything, just something he can learn to drive and take care of. I sold my wagon before I moved, now wish I had kept it! Thanks! Steve
    Hey whats up buddy? I was just perusing the forums and saw you were from Chucktown. Not too many of us around here, so I try and get in touch with em. I got a buddy who is trying to start a local volvo club (2 I think, one is gonna be free, the other official. I have no details now tho) Anyway, have a good one!
    Thanks for the comment. my dad picked this car up for me of ebay from Pittsburgh while I was in Thailand a year ago studying.
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